You’ve got loads of choices when it comes to choosing an fundraiser for your school. And you’ve got lots of criteria to take into account. Like these:
- What’s your timeline?
- What’s your sales goal?
- How large is your group?
- How urgent is your need?
- How much time and effort are you willing to invest?
- How motivated is your group?
- Who are your supporters?
- How enthusiastic about your cause are those supporters?
- How will this fundraiser impact future requests for support?
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
Now if you’re thinking “I don’t need to worry about these questions because we do the same fundraisers every year and we’ve got it planned perfectly”, I’d say good for you. But I’d also say…
Comfort can be the enemy of growth.
If you’ve been doing the same fundraisers year after year, you could be missing a great opportunity to expand your your circle of support.
And that means you’re missing out on money!
At the very least you should be having a discussion about whether exploring new offerings would make sense for your group.
Questions to consider:
- Is what we’re selling in keeping with our group’s values?
- Are our supporters experiencing giving fatigue?
- Are they bored with our offering?
- Do they have needs we could meet through a fundraiser?
- Could they become champions for our cause if they were more excited about we’re were promoting?
- As a group, would a fresh offering renew our enthusiasm?
- Are we getting a good return on our time and effort investment?
Your group may be enjoying great success with the plan you have in place, but taking time to ask these questions will make sure you’re covering your bases and doing right by your constituency. If your group has flat lined or is struggling to create excitement, then these questions will help you chart a new fundraising course. In any event, you’ll know you’ve done your due diligence and can feel good about whatever decisions you make!