Why Choose Get Organized For Good As Your Online Fundraising Partner?
You have loads of choices out there, and we know that. However, when you choose Get Organized For Good you aren’t just getting a fundraising company and their products, you’re getting a true partner.
What that means is we’re fully invested in helping you have a successful promotion, and making sure your supporters get a product that they feel really good about. We’ll be there to assist you throughout the process. Your success is our success!
As partners, that means you earn 50% on every sale. Our business model is based on helping you make as much as you can. We only succeed, when you succeed. So we’re committed to doing everything we can to make your fundraising event a true success story!
But there are lots of reasons beyond stellar service and earnings potential to choose us. Our passion is one of them. We’re passionate about providing products that help people live better lives. And we’re passionate about making fundraising easier. We’re all about simplifying – simplifying lives and simplifying fundraising.
Here are even more reasons to choose us……

You’ll Positively Impact Your Community
It’s not everyday you have an opportunity to help people improve the quality of their lives, but when you choose Get Organized For Good you can do just that. You can be a hero to your supporters by offering fundraising products that help them simplify life, reduce stress and get organized. Improved well-being is the gift you give when you choose to partner with us.

Your Sales Audience Is Unlimited
Because this is an online fundraiser and because we use the internet to deliver the products, anyone, anywhere, is a potential customer. This means you can sell to family and friends all over the world. With a click of a your mouse, you can send an email to let your supporters know what you have to offer. And with a click of their mouse they can purchase. Distance just doesn’t matter.

It’s Environmentally Friendly
That should be obvious, but it’s worth noting that we’re keen on being green. A fundraiser with us comes with a very light footprint. Everything is done online, which means we don’t create packaging, transportation, or printing waste. We’re about as eco-friendly as you’re going to get, so you can rest easy knowing you’re fundraising in an environmentally conscious way.

You’ll Be Offering Products People Want & Need
Which makes it easy for them to say yes to purchasing. It’s true that people are clamoring for relief from the pressure and chaos we live in. And our products provide that relief – they help people quickly calm their lives and reduce stress. You can raise the money you need, while helping your supporters raise the quality of their lives. It’s a true win-win.

You’ll Save Time and Energy
Because we’ve streamlined everything, and because you don’t have to take orders or deliver product, your time investment will be minimal. And the time you do invest will be incredibly effective – you won’t have to waste it wondering how best to promote your fundraiser, because we’ll be there to guide and support you. We’ll provide you with all the tools you need to make your fundraiser the easiest and simplest ever!
You’ll Help Families Create Harmony
Our products help families simplify life and reduce stress. So you’ll be a part of helping them create a more harmonious home environment. When families are able to rely on supportive routines, and when they can comfortably share the responsibilities, they have more time to enjoy life. Whether that’s spending quality time together, or encouraging each other to reach their individual goals, the end result is a stronger family unit. And strong families make for strong communities.

Teachers Will Thank You
Teachers absolutely understand the need for fundraising (do they ever!), but it’s not very often they can truly get excited about it. Partnering with Get Organized For Good will change that dynamic. Teachers will love the products because of what they’ll do for the community, especially their students. Anytime you can help a child better manage their time, show up prepared and confident, you are making a teacher’s life easier. It’s a winning combo!
Plus, our fundraiser takes practically nothing out of classroom time. That alone would be enough to make teachers happy, but in this case it’s just the icing of the cake.

You’ll Be Helping Kids Learn Life Skills
That’s right, our products help kids (and adults too!) learn essential life skills. Our schools often have very little wiggle room for providing any opportunities beyond the prescribed curriculum (that’s why we have to fundraise, right?). But if we want our kids to be as successful as possible, in the classroom and out, we need to teach them how to do it. We need to help them hone skills that will allow them to organize their lives, manage their time, set goals, and plan for the future. We’ve got products that will help them do just that!
One of the biggest determinants of success is grit. Our products will help you kids build it that too. For example, we’ve got a product that will help the youngest members of your house take responsibility for themselves and set goals. This will help them understand how intention and effort are both required if they are going to succeed. There is nothing like learning from experience, and our products lead kids (with a bit of your help) through the process. Imagine being able to delegate to your kids and know they’ll follow through!