It’s that time of the year – we’re fundraising and could really use your support! Shop for products that will help you get organized, reduce stress and simplify life all around. Find our school’s shop right here (and remember we get 50% of every sale!) : Sample School Fundraising Shop Page

We’re fundraising to help our 8th graders get the educational experience they need and could really use your support! We’ve got something completely different, something everyone can use – products that will help you get organized, save money, reduce stress and simplify life. Find our school’s shop right here (and remember we get 50% of every sale!) : Sample School Fundraising Shop Page

We’re fundraising to send our students on an educational trip and could really use your support! We’ve got something completely different, something everyone can use – products that will help your whole family get organized and manage time more effectively so you can reduce stress and have more fun! Find our school’s shop right here (and remember we get 50% of every sale!) : Sample School Fundraising Shop Page

We’re fundraising for out 8th grade class and could really use your support! We’ve got something completely different, something everyone can use – products that will help you calm the chaos and create harmony. Get organized, clear out the clutter and get your family on board with helping out. Find our school’s shop right here (and remember we get 50% of every sale!) : Sample School Fundraising Shop Page